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Mini Doughnut, 3 diff. sorts

Mini Doughnut, 3 diff. sorts

Item no. 2820

packed in 3 bags of 35 pieces each

Mixed box of Micro-Berliners in three delicious varieties:
- Micro-Berliner with berry filling (1)
- Mico-Berliner with white chocolate filling (2)
- Mico Berliner with hazelnut filling (3)

Surprise your customers and guests with these extra small bites of soft, smooth dough and a tempting, sumptuous filling. The small mini Berliners are not only popular treats at kareval time, but also enrich any conference buffet and are the perfect accompaniment to coffee and tea.

- three delicious fillings in just one box
- tender dough with a tempting filling
- ready to serve in no time at all

Measurements: Ø 5.5 cm, h 3.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 25 g, 105 pieces / carton
48 cartons/pallets